August 16, 2009

The Witches by Roald Dahl

I re-read The Witches in August when trying to pick my first read-aloud for the year, and I’m so glad I decided on this one. Not only did I enjoy reading it to my nephew (for practice), but it is rapidly becoming a favorite of my students. They squeal with delight when Dahl describes the witches (we haven’t yet met the convention of witches - we’ll get to that this week); they find the grandmother hysterical with her cigars; they are already worried about the fate of the boy. I would say it’s a perfect read-aloud for a 5th or 6th grade class, and I am especially enjoying it as our first shared novel since they are so eager to hear the next chapter - a good way to start the year!
For independent reading: The Witches is guided reading level R.

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