August 29, 2009

Heartbeat by Sharon Creech

I'm not sure why I never took much notice of Heartbeat when it was in my library last year - maybe because most of my students had overlooked it; or because I hadn't read Love That Dog or Walk Two Moons; or because even though I noticed the cover, I wasn't immediately drawn into the book by the yellow apple. A rushed grab-anything-off-the-shelf-you-haven't-read-yet on the last day of summer school, however, led me to finally read Heartbeat on the flight to my vacation. And how glad I am that I did! The story of a young girl who loves to run, her friend Max who shares a love of the sport, and her small family - pregnant mom, dad, and elderly grandpa - is sweetly simple yet intellectually interesting at the same time. I loved the narrator's strong voice and sense of self as she attempts to make sense of those around her. I will definitely book talk it this fall - since it's written in poetry it may be a hard sell for some kids at first - but ultimately would be a pretty simple read for many junior high students (guided reading level W: great for 6th/7th; a good push for 5th).

1 comment:

Sharon Creech said...

Ooh, I'm so glad you found that book!