December 29, 2010

Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis

I know I blogged about this book before, but last spring I read it aloud to my 5th graders and I feel compelled to give the book another plug. It was absolutely the best read-aloud experience I've had with any students, ever. Captivated by Elijah's character, my students laughed along with his lighthearted silliness and passionately rooted for him during the serious sections. Curtis beautifully crafted the characters and the plot line, which is so moving and complex that we couldn't help but engage in rich discussions as we read. No history book, no activity, no experience could better teach children their first real look at slavery in the United States than Elijah of Buxton. I am so grateful to Christopher Paul Curtis for writing it, and I encourage reading and history teachers everywhere to check it out.

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